Group Health Insurance
For small businesses in Washington State
Frequently Asked Questions
Group Health
When should I consider applying for a Medicare plan?
You should start the educational the process at least 3 months before you need coverage.
How old do you have to be to apply for Medicare?
If you're eligible for Medicare when you turn 65, you can sign up during the 7-month period that:
Begins 3 months before the month you turn 65
Includes the month you turn 65
Ends 3 months after the month you turn 65
If you wait until the month you turn 65 (or the 3 months after you turn 65) to enroll, your Part B coverage will be delayed. This could cause a gap in your coverage. If you are under 65 with a disability, you automatically enrolled in Part A and Part B after:
24 months of Social Security Disability Benefits*
How long does it take to get a Medicare card?
In general, it can take up to 30 days.
Can I apply for Medicare for a spouse?
Not unless you are the personal representative of your spouse.
What are the differences between Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D?
Part A is hospital services, skilled nursing(not Long Term Care) and hospice.
Part B is doctor visits, durable medical equipment and infused or injected therapies in a office setting.
Part C is a contract between Medicare & an insurance carrier that combines A, B, integrates D.
Part D is a contract between Medicare & an insurance carrier for a prescription drug plan.
*This information is from and other Special Election Periods may apply
**5 Star Plans have a year round Special Election Period
At what point should I consider getting health insurance for my employees and I?
Anytime you feel it would be a good option for your employees and your business.
How much does small business health insurance typically cost?
Factors that go into the cost of premiums are:
Composite age of the group
Whether you choose a PPO or an HMO
Whether you are including dental and vision
Which Insurance Companies offer group health insurance?
Some companies that offer group health insurance are but not limited to: National General, Premera, Regence, Kaiser, United HealthCare, Aetna.
How long does it take to get a group health plan for a small business?
It varies by the carrier and size of the group but it can be as little as 2 days if the business is organized. This can be all done online and over the phone.
I've looked at health insurance before is anything different?
Yes! There are great semi-self-funded plans that have the possible of receiving returning of premium!